
Mushroom and Chicken Risotto, 香菇雞肉燉飯(pressure cooker ver.)


  • Chicken breast 500g
  • 蘑菇 400g
  • 芹菜(切丁) 2 根
2 carrots 小紅蘿蔔 (切丁)
  • 雞高湯, 1罐, 約2杯, 500 ml
  • 水 2 杯
  • 白酒 70 ml
  • 鹽 1小匙

  • 大蒜 5
  • 白米3杯半
  • 義式起司絲 1 大匙
  • 黑胡椒、花椒 隨意
  • 無鹽奶油 (也可不加)
  • Capsicum, optional


  1. 把雞肉用鹽和黑胡椒醃約30分鐘, 開啟壓力鍋”煎炒”功能(Instant Pot- Sauté, Normal), 等鍋燒熱後(手放上方能感覺到熱氣就行了,不必等到顯示Hot), 噴一層防沾油, 倒入蔬菜油, 把雞肉的2面煎至變色, 取出切成小塊 (此步驟也可以先切成小塊再炒熟)
  2. 再放入少許油,炒軟洋蔥和蘑菇
  3. 關掉煎炒功能, 加入洗好瀝乾的白米, 鹽, 大蒜香料粉和白酒, 攪拌均勻
  4. 鋪上芹菜丁, 紅蘿蔔丁, 雞肉丁(連雞汁也倒入)
  5. 加入雞湯和水(共4杯)
  6. 選定高壓烹煮, 5分鐘(pressure cook, high, normal)
  7. 煮好再悶5分鐘後, 手動洩壓
  8. 加入奶油、起司絲攪拌均勻, 並做最後調味(鹽和黑胡椒)即可
  1. Add oil then sauté onions until brown, add black peppers, (optional roast sesame seed)
  2. Add meat, mushroom and stir well for 5mins
  3. Add rice and pour in the soup stock then stir well
  4. Secure the lid ensuring the “seal position
  5. Press rice/grains and set the time for 15 mins (8mins if white rice)
  6. 綠色冷凍蔬菜可在米煮好後後再加進去加熱。otherwise they would be overcook

About Author

I'm a digital designer & front-end developer, a dedicated, enthusiastic and highly- motivated web professional with over 13 years of commercial experience in web design and front-end development.