Life, New Zealand

Auckland domestic to the International airport – 奧克蘭國內至國際機場免費接駁巴士

Free terminal transfer bus / 免費接駁巴士

乘搭地點就在航廈門外,服務時間為早上5:00至晚上10:30,每15分鐘一班,如果你喜歡自行前往,你可以在離開航廈後,跟隨綠色的粗線步行約10分鐘即可到達。我是建議身上沒有什麼行李的話又趕時間的話,步行10分鐘就可以往返各航廈 (國際、國內機場)。

Air New Zealand operates from Zone A on the ground floor at the Auckland International Airport.

The domestic and international terminals are in different locations. You can take a short walk or bus to travel between them.
To travel between terminals, you can jump on the complimentary terminal transfer bus that is located outside the terminal doors as you exit. The bus runs every 15 minutes between 5:00 am and 10.30 pm.
If you want to walk between terminals, follow the painted green line on the footpath outside each terminal.

Free terminal transfer bus 指示牌


在國內機場,如果要轉至國際機場找 Free airport terminal transfer bus 指示。
The terminal transfer bus that is located outside the terminal doors as you exit

Auckland terminal transfer bus

在Terminal Transfer Bus處等待接駁車,不要坐到Park & Ride的車那是開往停車場的接駁車。

航廈間的是綠色的接駁車,上面寫著The Terminal Transfer Bus
you’ll see the sign on the bus “The Terminal Transfer Bus”, The bus runs every 15 minutes between 5:00 am and 10.30 pm

For more information please check out the Air New Zealand website




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I'm a digital designer & front-end developer, a dedicated, enthusiastic and highly- motivated web professional with over 13 years of commercial experience in web design and front-end development.